*KAIROS 2.0 WITH DR D. K.OLUKOYA* It's a long read. I recommend we read till the end as it will bless you tremendously. Q: I’m 25 and no guy has ever approached me. Is that a problem? A: It is not a problem unless you make it one. Relax, the battle is not to the strong, neither is the race to the swift. Keep praying and serving God with your heart. Don’t be depressed. #KairosWithDKO Q; Sir, do you have friends or mentors (Spiritual or Academic) who are they? Ans: Joseph Ayo Babalola is my mentor and he dies many years ago. But I do have a spiritual mentor who is still alive. All men of God should have mentors. I have only one friend, MY WIFE. #KairoswithDKO19 The Spirit of Masturbation is more deadly than the Spirit of Witchcraft -Dr DK Olukoya #KairoswithDKO19 Q:Is it right to buy home accessories for a guy and also pay his rent? A: Ah! A man that must marry must be financially matured. It is not recommended that you provide for him. You make it look like you’re buying the man. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: My parent want me to attend the same church with them but I’m not ready to leave MFM and don’t want to disobey them. A: You have to make them see a Dramatic change in your life in order to convince them. Let them see Christ in you and be prayerful. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: How can I differentiate between my intuition and the Holy Spirit A: The clearest way to hear from the Lord is by the inner voice. Everybody has a conscience which protests when you do something bad. You may silence it but it will still talk. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: How do I know if my dream and ambitions are the will of God. A: It all boils down to hearing from God. You need to learn to hear from God. When you begin to hear from God, you won’t fear examinations anymore (laughs) #KairosWithDKO19 *GOD never calls lazy men* --Dr.D.K OLUKOYA #kairoswithDKO19 Q: I passed an Interview exam but was turned down because I refused to wear pants, make up and the likes. A: If they turn you down because of your faith, the place is not for you. All things work together for good for them that love God. #KairosWithDKO19 Q:I know I have a calling but fell into fornication along the way. A: Carry out a spiritual analysis of how you fell into fornication. Trace your steps back. Repent and ask God to forgive you. Go for deliverance too. #KairosWithDKO19 Q:When was the last time you were admitted in the hospital? A: The last I was in an hospital was in 1974 when hot oil poured on me. The last time I was at the hospital recently was when my son Elijah was born. #kairoswithDKO19 Question 2: Sir, Why is it difficult to see you? Ans: As I’m talking to you, I have an appointment of seeing 70 people a day for the rest of the year This morning, I got over 3400 SMS on my phone overnight. My mail inbox has over 24,0000 unread messages. #kairosWithDKO19 Q: What is the godly Sex style? A: If you sleep with your wife like a Dog, the children born will be Dogs likewise Like a crocodile. Animals don’t change their sex style why should you as a human? #KairosWithDKO19 Tips to combat masturbation 1. Pray them off your life 2. Pray in tongues 3. Divert your attention to something else 4. If it consistent then, you need DELIVERANCE. *Deliverance from masturbation and pornography is much more deeper than deliverance from witchcraft.* -Dr. D. K. Olukoya #KairoswithDKO19 I sleep for 4hours every night. You can ask my wife.” Q: How do you manage your time as a mentor, father, general overseer, husband, administrative work in church etc? A: The first thing you need to manage your time is know that it is by the grace of God I'm able to do all these. 1. Awareness of your destiny. 2. Focus on one thing at a time. 3. Focus & Organize your life. - first thing to do in the morning is your quiet time 4. Commit your ways unto God #KairosWithDKO19 Q: Is it that you’re not invited to other denominations or you don’t have time to go. A: I get invited to everywhere but at the end of the day, I’ll be judge by where God has put me (MFM) not in another church. Anywhere we are invited, MFM is always ably represented. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: Is there anything like gospel comedy? Because we comedians tell little lies. A: Comedy is Comedy. Nothing like gospel comedy. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: Do you pay tithe? To who or where? Ans: I’m beyond the level of paying tithe. I pay more than tithe. I don’t receive salary from the church purse. In my family, our needs are very very little. Most times, we eat once a day. #kairosWithDKO19 Q: As a programming student is there evil associated with the study of the Python Language? A: If you must and you feel that way, plead the blood of Jesus whenever you’re at it. *#KairosWithDKO19* Q: Is it true that pastors are not romantic? A: We are teaching them in MFM to be romantic so they won’t be a romantic disaster. We teach them in our school “The school of marital bliss” to be romantic. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: Is it advisable for a young man intending to be married to go into ministry without a source of income to support his family? A: Scripturally, God never calls lazy men in to the ministry. Elisha was busy in the farm when he was called. #kairosWithDKO19 Q: Is it a Sin to hug Christian sisters? A: Hugging isn’t a sin. It is the what the heart conceived that can make it a sin. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: How does one manage pornography and masturbation? Ans: Masturbation is spiritual. It can affect your marriage, you spiritual life, your brain etc. Pornography is you receiving Injection from Hell Fire to pollute your life and occupy your brain. #KairoswithDKO19 Q: My step father sexually abused me. Whenever I see him I feel like cutting his head. Ans: You need to see your pastor to bring you to me. It’s beyond what I can discuss here but you need to forgive that your step father. #kairosWithDKO19 Q: How can I do 40 days dry fasting without food and water. A: You must start drinking water on the 3rd day. If you must indulge in a dry fast that exceeds 7days, you MUST HEAR FROM GOD. If not, you will kill yourself. #KairosWithDKO19 Q: How do I put my destiny on course? Answer: I recommend these 3 books authored by me. 1. 70 sermons to preach to your destiny 2. Instructions to be a champion 3. Beat the best and be the best. #kairoswithdko19 Q: Help!! I’m a 30+ year old virgin but the woman I received to marry isn’t a virgin. A: Once you have received the woman to marry her, you have to marry her. Don’t judge her by her past. #KairosWithDKO19 Pornography is you receiving injection from hell fire" #KairosWithDKO19 Question: How do you handle criticism? Why don’t you comment about politics and suddenly you’re at the inauguration the gov of Lagos state. Ans: *Nobody can misquote silence. Silence is the best answer for a fool* -Dr D. K. Olukoya To the glory of God, I have contributed more to the society both scientifically and Spiritually. If you call me a thief and I’m not a thief, I’m not obliged to answer you. Everybody is entitled to their personal opinions. The best thing I can do to the nation is to be on my seat as a prophet & pray to address d root of d problems. I’m not a politician but the gov of Lagos is our member and we must give him the necessary support as a church. He was elected by divine appointment. #kairosWithDKO19 Q: Sometimes, I hear cock crows in my ears when there no cock crowing. What can I do? A: See your Pastor. #KairosWithDKO19 *There is no man who is perfect but a perfect man is a man who knows his weakness and deals with it.* -Dr D. K. Olukoya #KairosWithDKO19 Q: Do you pay tithe? To who or where? Ans: I’ve gone beyond the level of paying tithe. I pay more than tithe. I don’t receive salary from the church purse. In my family, our needs are very very little. Most times, we eat once a day. #kairosWithDKO19 *What God is doing through the book I authored, “Prayer Rain”, is enough to feed my family till we go to be with the Lord. God has been helping us with the marketing of the book by bringing great deliverance through it.* #kairosWithDKO19 Q: I had sex with a married woman in NYSC. I didn’t know she was married. I have sought forgiveness God but not from her husband and have always struggled when I remember that incident. A: The first thing I will tell you is that "Your head is correct". Whether she told you or not, why are you sleeping with someone you’re not married to. Don’t make the mistake of looking for the husband. #kairoswithDKO19 Q: Is it a sin for a Christian to do financial work on Sunday? A:The Son of man is the Lord of the sabbath. God wants you rest on Sunday unless it is COMPULSORY. #KairoswithDKO19 *The day you begin to hear God as a Christian,your promotion begins!!* --DR.D.K OLUKOYA #kairoswithDKO19 *Any man who is embarrassing his father, is embarrassing his feather and he cannot fly.* -Dr. D.K. Olukoya #KairosWithDKO19 *If you have not become a subject of envy,then God has not really blessed you!* -Dr. D.K. Olukoya #KairosWithDKO19 You want power ???? ~Then you have to be "killed" ~Jesus Christ needs to celebrate your obituary. #FleshMustDie -Dr. D. K. Olukoya* #KairosWithDKO19 *“God started speaking to me in 1965”* -Dr D. K. Olukoya When it comes to marriage you must hear God clearly in whatever form whether by revelation, vision, or other ways you’re sure God speaks to you. You must have an evidence that God confirms it. Be wary of dreams -Dr. D.K Olukoya
*KAIROS 2.0 WITH DR D. K.OLUKOYA* It's a long read. I recommend we read till the end as it will bless you tremendously. Q: I’m 25 and no guy has ever approached me. Is that a problem? A: It is not a problem unless you make it one. Relax, the battle is not to the strong, neither is the race to the swift. Keep praying and serving God with your heart. Don’t be depressed. #KairosWithDKO ...