LIMKOKWING BEST REASON TO STUDY IN ASIA ENROL NOW Become an Asia expert According to Forbes, “Asia will likely be at the forefront of defining the new and most innovative jobs of the 21st century” with its rapidly improving research systems and vast pool of high caliber talent. As Asia’s geopolitical and economic role on the world stage becomes more important, international employers across all industries will seek Asia-related knowledge and expertise. Becoming a graduate of one of Asia’s top universities will give you an invaluable competitive advantage, allowing you to immerse yourself in the language and culture and make connections with the brightest talent from across the continent. VIEW GLOBAL RECOGNITION FOR LIMKOKWING UK Honours TAN SRI LIMKOKWINGUK Honours TAN SRI LIMKOKWINGLimkokwing Open DayEnglish Lecturerinnovation-TechnologyStudy Abroad at LimkokwingUK Honours TAN SRI LIMKOKWINGLimkokwing Open DayLimkokwing Open Day Previous Next The Ver...