The Neutrality View
Most people take a favorable view towards technological progress; new cars, cell phones and computers – what’s not to like? They embrace technological innovation as a plus despite the suspicions of questionable things like cloning, genetic engineering and nuclear weapons. But what is technology anyway? Do we really understand this all-embracing phenomenon directing human history? We often take for granted that we think we know the answer when in fact the meaning of the greatest social mover of all times remains elusive. When it comes to defining technology we are beset with the problem of defining more than just a word, but a concept and whole way of life and worldview.
Most people take a favorable view towards technological progress; new cars, cell phones and computers – what’s not to like? They embrace technological innovation as a plus despite the suspicions of questionable things like cloning, genetic engineering and nuclear weapons. But what is technology anyway? Do we really understand this all-embracing phenomenon directing human history? We often take for granted that we think we know the answer when in fact the meaning of the greatest social mover of all times remains elusive. When it comes to defining technology we are beset with the problem of defining more than just a word, but a concept and whole way of life and worldview.
The typical definition of technology these days says technology is
neutral, suggesting that technology is nothing more than tools that
people use as needed. Technology is a means to an end and nothing more.
All objects are separate and disconnected. They are neutral and
value-free, right? Tables, chairs, and light fixtures have nothing to do
with each other and express no values in themselves and are completely
determined by our use. They are simply objects at our disposal and
present no moral problems so long as we use them for good. We can pick
up a hammer and use it, then place it back in the tool box when
finished. The hammer has appropriate and inappropriate uses. Hitting
nails into wood is one of the acceptable uses of a hammer; using it to
play baseball is not acceptable. So long as we act as good moral agents
we use our technology rightly, or so we think. This definition is so
widely accepted that we have trouble ever questioning it. When faced
with morally questionable uses of technology we fall back on this old
cliché: “technology is neutral,” and that settles all disputes. We are
all familiar with this popular view and embrace it to some extent. The
problem is not that the cliché is so simple or popular, but that it is
so wrong. Philosophers have been telling us for decades now that the
neutrality of technology definition is wrong and dangerous because it
blinds us to the true nature of technology.
The Holistic View
The second view of the nature of technology, held mainly by
philosophers, we call the “holistic view.” This view states that the
“neutral view” is false because people hold to it as a means of
justifying every type of technology. The neutrality view blinds us to
the true nature of technology, which is not value-free. The lack of
understanding regarding the true nature of technology creates a serious
problem for a society so heavily influenced by technological
development. As sociologist Rudi Volti says, “This inability to
understand technology and perceive its effects on our society and on
ourselves is one of the greatest, if most subtle, problems of an age
that has been so heavily influenced by technological change.”{1} Technology
is understood as a social system. We can also call it a worldview, a
philosophy of life that sees all things as objects, including people.
Instead of defining technology as disparate tools unconnected to each
other, philosophers have suggested a more comprehensive definition that
says technology does not mean neutral objects ready for use at our
convenience, but a way of life that informs and controls everything we
do. In other words, technology is a belief system with its own worldview
and agenda—more like a religion than a hammer.
This belief system is often called the essence of technology or spirit of technology and
cannot be seen in technological objects because we cannot see the
entire system by looking at individual parts. We must grasp the
spiritual essence before we can understand its technical parts. The
“neutrality view” looks only at parts rather than the whole and misses
technology’s true nature. This is a lot like looking at the tires of
your car or its engine parts and thinking you now understand a car from
seeing separate pieces of it and never seeing how the whole thing fits
The holistic view understands technology as a way of life and spiritual
reality that shapes all our thinking. Philosopher Martin Heidegger gives
the example of how the Rhine River exists not as a river, but as a
source for electricity. Everything becomes stuff ready for usefulness.{2}
Technology really means an interconnected system rather than a neutral
tool. The neutral definition blinds us to the true nature of technology
and prevents us from mastering it. Heidegger argued that “we are
delivered over to [technology] in the worst possible way when we regard
it as something neutral; for this conception of it, to which today we
particularity like to do homage, makes us utterly blind to the essence
of technology.”{3}
Technology as Spirituality
The neutrality argument reassures us that we remain in control of our
means rather than our means controlling us. It does not allow us to find
the essence of technology in everyday technological objects such as
cars, computers, or screw drivers and baseball bats; rather, technology
is a way of life and thought that creates a universal system. Technology
means the grand accumulation of all the different technological parts
into a global system.
Technology is a system of interlocking systems. As philosopher Jacques
Ellul said, “It is the aggregate of these means that produces technical
civilization.”{4} Technology
is our modern frame of reference that speaks of the profoundly
spiritual and not the strictly technical. If we look at individual
everyday technologies we will miss it. Instead we must see past the
common objects to the larger global system that comprises technology as a
social process. In the technological system both humanity and nature
have no separate standing or value outside of technical usefulness.
People are simply resources to be used and discarded as needed.
This view reveals the depths to which technology shapes our thinking by
informing us and conforming us into the image of the machine, which
represents the greatest example of technological thinking. Everything is
understood as a machine and should function like a machine including
the government, the school, the church and you! Bureaucracy is a social
The machine is predictable. It has no freedom. It follows mechanical
steps, or linear logic. Step one leads to step two, and so forth. Any
deviation from its programming causes chaos and possible break down,
which is why the machine is the worst possible analogy for human beings
to follow. Yet this is the basis of the entire modern conception of
life.{5} People
are not machines that can be programmed; to adopt this conception
reverses the role between humanity and its machines, making people
conform to the image of the machine rather than vice versa. Machines are
our slaves. They do what we tell them to do. They have no will,
feelings or desires. Philosophers tell us that the natural relationship
between people and machines is in a process of reversal so that we are
becoming slaves to technology. We may control our individual use of
technology but no one as of yet controls the entire system.{6}
Neutrality as Modern Myth
Nothing can be explained by the neutrality argument, not even the
meaning of “neutrality.” It is simply not possible for any technology to
be neutral; even the most primitive tools such as fire or stone axes
take the form of their designers. Every technology bears inherent values
of purpose and goals. Fire has value for a particular reason, to clear
the land, cook food, keep people warm and ward off dangerous animals. By
their very design, all inventions and tools reflects our values and
human nature. Philosopher of Science Jacob Bronowski argued that “to
quarrel with technology is to quarrel with the nature of man.”{7} Technology
is an extension of ourselves and expresses human nature, which is never
entirely good or bad, but ambivalent. Our technology reflects who we
are and nothing more; it is not divine, it will not save the human race;
but neither is it animal, but fully human, whose nature is always
ambiguous, capable of great acts of kindness and mercy as well as
cruelty and evil. People can be self-sacrificial and giving and
self-destructive and greedy. There will always be good and bad effects
to our inventions. They are a double edged sword that cuts both ways and
it is our responsibility to discern between the two.
The modern bias in favor of neutrality reveals our protectionist
tendencies towards all things technological. How is it that sinful
people can produce morally neutral technology? We would not say that
about art. “Oh! All art is morally neutral! It is all a matter of how
you use it!” Yet the same creative forces go into producing technology
as art. Is there anything neutral about the works of Caravaggio, Da
Vinci or Picasso? Why then should there be anything neutral about
Facebook or MX missiles?
This appears simple enough, but as modern people addicted to our latest
toys and novelties we have difficulty admitting we may have a problem.
We don’t like to think that too much Facebook might be causing young
people to be further isolated from the community because they are more
accustomed to relate electronically than in person, or that email
actually reduces our ability to communicate because of the absence of
tone of voice, body language, eye contact and personal presence. TV and
film may have a surreal effect on its message, giving it a dream like
quality rather than communicating realism.
Controlling Technology
The solution is not to abandon any of the incredible inventions of the
modern age, but to recognize their limits. It is the sign of wisdom that
we understand our limits and work within them. We should proceed along a
two tiered path of questioning and the application of values. Ellul
said that “It is not a question of getting rid of [technology], but by
an act of freedom, of transcending it.”{8} The
act of questioning is the first act of freedom; by becoming aware of
the problem we can assert a measure of freedom and control. Through
critical questioning we recognize our limits and thus we are able to
exercise a measure of control over technology.
We should develop technologies that reflect our values of freedom,
equality and democracy. For example, Ellul did envision in the early
1980’s the potential use of computer technology in a way that would
create a decentralized source of knowledge that would maintain the
values of democracy. We know this now as the internet. However, as Ellul
also argued technology cannot change society for the better if we don’t
change ourselves. The computer can also be used to bring in stifling
State control.{9} We
will never have a perfect technology that has no problems, but we
should be visionaries in how we think about technology and the
application of our values to it.
Limits serve as a warning to us. It is obvious that society has
progressed in many ways thanks to advanced technology, but society’s
spiritual regression shares the same condition as advancement. We have
not become better people because we live in the twenty-first century
rather than the nineteenth century. Without a renewed spiritual and
moral framework to direct our development and give new purpose to the
system, technology may become the source of our own destruction rather
than improvement. An inventory of advancement compares starkly with the
litany of potential catastrophe. We have eliminated disease, but also
created dangerous levels of overpopulation. We live longer and more
abundant lives materially, but are pushing the natural world into
extinction. We are able to travel quicker and communicate instantly,
contributing to world peace and understanding, but have also developed
the weapons of war to unimaginable levels of devastation.
Without a moral framework to control technology and understand its
ethical limits we will go down a path of losing control of technology’s
direction, allowing it to develop autonomously. This means it will
develop in a predetermined linear direction, like a clock that will
inevitably strike midnight once wound up. That direction as we have seen
moves inexorably closer to the mechanization of humanity and nature.
With the right value-system we can begin to reassert control.